New years python meme 2012

1. What’s the coolest Python application, framework or library you have discovered in 2012 ?

Django. yes, It’s not so cool. but, I don’t know about another python applications well. Once said, 2012 is starting line of my carrer about Python (eventually, programming).

  1. I had completed my first Web application as a graduate work named Sinboon [sinboon].
  2. Graduated from the school, and joined a company.
  3. Writed some application and library. Joined some hack-a-thon. Hold a Conference.
  4. I left a company that was hired by new graduates, I have joined BeProud.
  5. Now working with Python and Django.

Today, I released Web application named Pushosu [pushosu] with Pyraimd. It’s my first work with Pyramid.

[sinboon]Sinboon is a Web Feedreader, learning the preferences of individuals and recommending articles.
[pushosu]Pushosu is a Twitter-ralated Web application. Users can create a own button, which for tweeting any statements.

2. What new programming technique did you learn in 2012 ?

Most of this year, I dedicated to Python. Python is new (and first) language for me. (whthout compulsory language like C, Java).

In Japan, each year has a symbolic animal. and next year’s animal is Snake (Wow!). but for me, this year’s animal is Snake.

3. Which open source project did you contribute to the most in 2012 ? What did you do ?

For Django.

  1. Transpalanted some Django’s document to Japanes. I’m member of transpalating project
  2. Renewed, portal site of Japanese Django commynity.
  3. Held Django & Pyramid Con JP 2012 as a core staff.
  4. Sent bug fix for Django (one time...)

4. Which Python blog or website did you read the most in 2012 ?



and irc (#django, #django-dev).

5. What are the three top things you want to learn in 2013 ?

  1. Inside of Web framework of Python.
  2. Client side application, or Browser application.
  3. Language containing a paradigm unlike Python. I have learn about Scala.

6. What is the top software, application or library you wish someone would write in 2013 ?

This year, I wrote Web application well. so 2013, I write a usefull libraries, Web framework, and so on. Diving into Web framework, and contributing to some open source project.

For becoming contributer, not user.